Converting a Strategy > Indicator so you can "Connect"
This section covers how to convert your own strategy or indicator into a host script usable with the Greedy Bastard Risk Management Buddy.
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This section covers how to convert your own strategy or indicator into a host script usable with the Greedy Bastard Risk Management Buddy.
Last updated
You need to make sure the Tradingview Script you want to use is in the form of an Indicator, (not a strategy) and Pine Version 5. If you are going to use a Strategy you will need to convert it into an Indicator.
You can convert any indicator to version 5 in the Pine Editor on the right side settings, and convert a strategy to an indicator. (If you don't know how, Youtube it, or DM us on Tradingview or send a support message at )
Replace the word "strategy" with "indicator" in the pine script.
Connect your desired script to the Greedy Bastard Risk Management Buddy Strategy using this snippet of code. (⚠️If you don't know how to set this up or add this code to your indicator, contact us on Discord or at support for a quote.)
// /////////////////////////// SIGNAL FOR STRATEGY ///////////////////////
//-- ADD THIS SNIPPET TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR HOST SCRIPT and add your buy and sell conditions variable
buy = ?
sell = ?
Signal = buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title="🔌Connector🔌", display = display.data_window)
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Add the Host Connection Snippet to the very bottom of your script
Replace the ( ? ) in the Buy = ? and Sell = ? variables with the Plotting Signal Conditions of your script.
⚠️(This is just an example, not necessarily the actual variables you will replace the ? with.)
Remember that your snippet is making the Plotting Signal Conditions now for the Greedy Bastard Risk Management Buddy Strategy. So you will need to “comment out” (CTRL /) the Plotting Signal Conditions in the original script.
(You can also DM to ask us to do it for you for a small reasonable fee.)